By now, you know that the correct name for cancer is: “Chronically Replicating Cells”. In other words, cancer is a cell or group of cells that bypass your body’s control mechanism, by which the cell should die by suicide ( apoptosis) by the end of its life span. But, for cancer cells, they are like living forever, meaning these cells don’t die and they continuously replicate to form new cancer cells. Let me remind you of one major thing about cancer, which is that it takes a very long time—years even—for a cancer to develop into a tumor that can be seen through different diagnostic methods.

I will not bore you with the different stages of cancer development; it is meant for medical professionals, The most important question should be, Why do normal healthy cells develop or transform into cancerous cells? There are a thousand and one different theories about the etiology (cause) of cancer. But which of these theories is supported by scientific evidence? There’s the genetic theory, which teaches that there are certain genes that cause cancer. And if you have the genes for cancer, it means that you will develop cancer. The genetic theory also tries to explain the fact that cancer could run in the family, that is from parents to offsprings.

The genetic theory was thoroughly dismissed by the Human Genome Project ( time and space will not allow me to go into details). One thing that the Human Genome Project proved beyond doubt is that no gene or group of genes can cause cancer. So, what exactly is the cause of cancer? Cancer is an adaptive strategy of your body in response to a deficiency and dysfunctional immune system. If you can grasp what I am about to share with you, one thing is guaranteed: you will lose your cancer fear. The knowledge you will acquire will bring you to an understanding, which will turn on the light, thus driving away the darkness of fear of cancer. Cancer doesn’t just suddenly happen; it takes years to gradually develop, which involves four stages. Also, this knowledge will enable you to create protocols that will make your body cancer-proof. In the next article, I will walk you through, step by step, how these two factors, when present, can cause cancer. The two factors are “Nutrient deficiency and a dysfunctional immune system.”

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