By now you must have been aware that your body is designed not to get sick. But the moment your defence system falters, you will get sick; it is just a matter of time.

From my previous article, there are three causes of death:

1) Communicable or Infectious Diseases.

2) Non-communicable or chronic diseases.

3) Accidents, trauma, and bullet injuries (wars).

From the three causes of death, communicable and non-communicable diseases are under our control. This means we can do something about it. However, accidents, trauma and injuries are really not under our direct control. This leads me to answer the questions I asked about the origin of the disease.

What is the origin of disease?

This will definitely surprise you: Diseases are caused by two reasons: nutrient deficiency and toxicity. All diseases known to man according to the International Classification of Disease ( ICD-11-CM in 2022) are almost 18,000. These 18,000 different diseases are caused by either nutrient deficiency, toxicity, or both. Remember, more than 74% of total global deaths annually are caused by non-communicable diseases.

Let me ask a question: when last did you hear that someone died from malaria fever? But, when last, did you hear that someone died from high blood pressure, diabetes, or cancer? If there is one disease that most people are scared to death about, is cancer. Just the name cancer evokes fear in the hearts of the bravest of men. There are many people who were wrongly diagnosed with cancer, and their doctors gave them four months to live, and they died four months later.

Sadly, when an autopsy was carried out, it was discovered that they didn’t have cancer. So, what killed them was the fear of cancer, not really the cancer itself. Let me tell you something that may shock you; you may not believe it, but if you can sit back and think about it, you will understand that it is true. Did you know that there’s nothing like non-communicable diseases?.

All the diseases classified as non-communicable diseases are not diseases in the real sense. In these non- communicable diseases, there’s nothing like an external factor like microorganisms that invade the body. All non-communicable diseases are the body’s adaptive features in trying to maintain balance. I don’t want to confuse you, so, because of time and space, I will continue this conversation tomorrow. Don’t even think of missing the next article. I will do a deep dive to explain in detail the role of your defence system in the so-called non-communicable diseases. Non-communicable diseases are a myth. I will explain in the next article and the understanding will change your perspective about diseases and, more than ever before, equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to fix your health.

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