He is a very entrepreneurial young man, who is so focused on his business. 

As the business began to expand, he went into properties. 

He has built the experience over the years from supervising many massive projects. 

I was even offered a piece of land in one of those estates he supervised. 

Finally, he secured a choice expanse of land in a choice area in town. 

Of course, we were all so excited about his progress and business acumen. 

He planned to construct one of the biggest malls in town, and he set out to fulfill his dream. 

He got a bank facility, and the site was bubbling with life with different categories of construction workers and shapes and sizes of tractors and equipment. 

Within a short period, the building has already popped up, from the foundation to DPC, and before you could say, Jack…… It went to the lintel. 

Money, men, and materials were abundantly present. 

I remember driving by one day, and as I looked, I saw the mall roofed. 

The speed of the building was really out of this world. 

He had already imported all the furnishings from China, waiting to be cleared at the port when disaster struck. 

It was indeed a very sad end. 

The building collapsed completely like a pack of cards. 

The only good thing is that no life was lost. 

But, as I speak, the property has been taken over by the government, and I am abreast of the current status of the court process. 

His building was not the first, and neither will it be the last. 

The issue of building collapse is almost a daily occurrence. 

Have you ever wondered the reason for the epidemic of building collapse?

Well let me speak of my friend’s. 

The problem was not with design, neither was it with the nature of the soil. 

His problem was the composition of the mixture of his materials for both block work and casting of the concrete. 

I learned that there was a major issue between him and his civil engineer about the proportion of the mixture of water, sand, cement, stones, and even the size of the rods. 

Of course, as the boss, his words prevailed and the result was the collapse of his massive structure. 

In fact, he barely recovered from the humongous loss he incurred. 

Now, let me drive the message home. 

Did you know that you are the architect of your own body? 

Especially your skeletal system which is made of your bones and muscles. 

Your bones actually provide the scaffold or the physical structure upon which every other organ system is built. 

Without a solid bone framework, you would become a heap of soft tissue on the ground. 

Everything you do ranging from breathing to eating, talking to walking is made possible by your bones. 

Just like my friend’s building that collapsed, the bone structures of many people are having serious problems because of the materials they used over time to build their bones. 

We have all been bombarded with the fact that we need calcium for strong bones. 

The main reason cow milk is promoted up to high heavens is because of the high calcium content for strong bones. 

Many people are put on calcium supplements by their doctors because they want to strengthen their bones, especially post-menopausal women. 

The most unfortunate of all is that now, they have introduced what is called “Fortified Foods” (A story of another day), which is filled with synthetic molecules not bio-available for your body to use. 

It is as in everywhere, you look, there is calcium, all in the quest for a strong bone. 

Have you ever heard of the “Law of Unintended Consequences ” or should I rename it ” Law of Intended Consequences “?

Have you ever thought about what happens when a concrete mixture of water, cement, sand, and stone is completely out of place………

Have you ever thought about the results? 


The developed countries of the world where this practice was started have already started reaping the devastating fruits. 

In the USA, there is a bone fracture every 9 seconds. 

So before you finish reading this article, there would have been several bone fractures. 

Most times, the victims don’t last beyond 12 months. 

Let me remind you once again………….. 

Your bones are not made of calcium. 

Your bones are made of 12 different minerals, of which calcium is one of them. 

Also, the health of your bones is heavily dependent on the proper proportions of these 12 minerals. 


You will be amazed…….. 

You may get upset at the revelations…….. 

You will be empowered with the science and knowledge…………. 

You will know how to re-balance your minerals for your future health and wellness. 

I dare say that you will have an experience that you will not get anywhere at least not in our country. 

 I will give you a bird’s-eye view of the consequences or the unintended consequences of the calcium mania. 

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